
Saturday 25 April 2015

Come to Glow Worm Cave with me!

Yay! It’s the holidays! It was a beautiful sunny morning in Hamilton with my cousins and family. We all had some breakfast before we went to the Glow Worm Cave. We all felt very excited.

By the time we were ready to go, we all hopped in the car and we arrived at the Glow Worm Cave at 9:30 am. The gate was shut so we had to wait for it to open. Then, when it was 10:00 o'clock, the gate opened and an assistant took us into the cave.

It was gloomy inside the cave. The assistant told us facts about the cave. One of the remarkable facts about the cave is that if moist drops on you, it will give good luck and I got good luck! Then once we walked in the cave, we all saw glow worms and they looked stunning. Glow worms formulate silk to catch insects for their food.

Then after we explored through the cave, we went in the boat. While we were on the boat, we saw plenty of glow worms and they were flashing! We hopped off the boat after the ride was finished. Before my whole family and I were going to buy some snacks, we took a family photo. Then we finally we got to get some ice cream and drinks.

That was an amazing experience to explore the glow cave because it was like going to Stardome. My family and I would love to go back there again.

WALT use descriptive language.
I know this when I use adjectives, time words and verbs in my writing.

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