
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Can you solve 3 digit numbers?

WALT use a variety of strategies and operations to solve problems.
I know this when I explain my strategies to solve the problem. 

Monday 27 April 2015

Can you describe your emotions for World War 1?

WALT develop critical thinking skills. 
I know this when I use De Bono's red thinking hat to express my feelings about World War 1.

Come on everybody, save our country!

WALT develop critical thinking skills using the inquiry process.
I know this when I ask questions, find answers online and evaluate the information that I have gathered.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Where are my boots?!

WALT identify descriptive language in my reading. 
I know this when I find suitable adjectives for the nouns that I identify from the story.

Come to Glow Worm Cave with me!

Yay! It’s the holidays! It was a beautiful sunny morning in Hamilton with my cousins and family. We all had some breakfast before we went to the Glow Worm Cave. We all felt very excited.

By the time we were ready to go, we all hopped in the car and we arrived at the Glow Worm Cave at 9:30 am. The gate was shut so we had to wait for it to open. Then, when it was 10:00 o'clock, the gate opened and an assistant took us into the cave.

It was gloomy inside the cave. The assistant told us facts about the cave. One of the remarkable facts about the cave is that if moist drops on you, it will give good luck and I got good luck! Then once we walked in the cave, we all saw glow worms and they looked stunning. Glow worms formulate silk to catch insects for their food.

Then after we explored through the cave, we went in the boat. While we were on the boat, we saw plenty of glow worms and they were flashing! We hopped off the boat after the ride was finished. Before my whole family and I were going to buy some snacks, we took a family photo. Then we finally we got to get some ice cream and drinks.

That was an amazing experience to explore the glow cave because it was like going to Stardome. My family and I would love to go back there again.

WALT use descriptive language.
I know this when I use adjectives, time words and verbs in my writing.

Friday 24 April 2015

Do you know what the bread and the wine represent?

WALT develop critical thinking skills by writing a reflection and using De Bono's red thinking hat.
I know this when I retell Friday's scripture reading and write two emotions about how I feel about it.

Thursday 23 April 2015

How many times have you seen Jesus?

WALT identify when Jesus appeared three times before the disciples.
I know this when I retell the story in my own words of Jesus' appearance after he resurrected .

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Ahh! Don't eat me!

WALT identify descriptive language from my reading.
I know this when I find suitable adverbs for the verbs that I identify from the story.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Why don't people like vulture?!

WALT conduct a statistical investigation.
I know this when I collect data and make statements about the data that I have collected.

Statements -
Wolf and cheetah have the same amount of people.
Lion is the most popular.
Vulture is the least popular.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Why not die for Jesus?

WALT understand the stations of the cross.
I know this when I summarise what happens in each of the stations.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Oh no, a shark is coming to attack me!

WALT identify descriptive language from my reading.
I know this when I write 10 verbs and add adverbs to describe the verbs that I have found.

Monday 6 April 2015

Have you been rafting before?

WALT understand verbs, nouns, and adjectives.
I know this when I locate five verbs, five nouns and two adjectives from the story.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Come on everybody, love God above all things!

WALT understand how to build relationships with God and people.
I know I can do this when I name 5 ways to build a relationship with God and 4 ways to build a relationship with people.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Can you combine two digit numbers to make 100?

WALT apply place values with two digit numbers.
I know this when I combine two digits numbers together to make 100.

Friday 3 April 2015

Ahhhh! The waves are coming!

WALT develop critical thinking skills using De Bono's thinking hat.
I know this when I use the white thinking hat to find information and write 7 facts about waves in my own words.

Thursday 2 April 2015

What strategies can you use to solve problems?

WALT apply place with two digit numbers.
I know this when I find compatible numbers to make 100.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Do you think God is around you?

WALT locate and understand John 14:18 - 11.

I know this when I explain the connection that Philip couldn't make in the scripture.